Forumed organization

Events and chat relating to guild specific things. Schedule events, let us know what you dropped in the bank or what new patterns you'd love to craft for us if we find mats.


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Joined:Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:52 am
Location:Atlanta, GA
Forumed organization

Post by kageneko » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:00 pm

I propose a Crafting subforum... and in it, several subforums of its own. Or maybe just some sticky topics.

Crafting >
> Recipe Purchases -- a place where we can list what recipes we are going to purchase/have purchased, to avoid duplication (I'm looking at you, jewelcrafters)
> Dailies -- list the JC (and other?) dailies
> Requests -- a place for people to request things

As we get bigger, we may want to consider role or class forums. Or other random things.
TEAM CLERIC: Allern, Dranei Paladin; Lothlondor, Night Elf Druid; Lelian, Human Mage; Lesasia, Human Death Knight; Lagervolk, Dwarf Hunter; Sylerissar, Night Elf Rogue; Langston, Worgen Warrior; Leanora, Gnome Priest
WE SPLIT THE PARTY: Renethal, Blood Elf Paladin

Joined:Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:00 am

Re: Forumed organization

Post by Colanai » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:10 pm

For the recipes suggestion, have the sticky be posts with every recipe (one post per profession), then put names next to them for who can/will be able to do them. Easier to find out who has (or will have) what that way, then having to dig through every post in the thread (which has the potential to get fairly long).

Joined:Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:57 pm

Re: Forumed organization

Post by mihrimah » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:20 am

You can find most of those things in the guild UI, actually. :) In the Roster tab, select "Professions" from the dropdown menu and it'll give you a list of professions. You can click a person's name to see what they have, or click "View All" to search the list for a specific recipe and see who (if anyone) has it. I suggest also checking "show offline members" at the bottom for the most comprehensive result. :)

Joined:Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:52 am
Location:Atlanta, GA

Re: Forumed organization

Post by kageneko » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:40 am

I wish the guild UI didn't suck so hard for it, tho :(
TEAM CLERIC: Allern, Dranei Paladin; Lothlondor, Night Elf Druid; Lelian, Human Mage; Lesasia, Human Death Knight; Lagervolk, Dwarf Hunter; Sylerissar, Night Elf Rogue; Langston, Worgen Warrior; Leanora, Gnome Priest
WE SPLIT THE PARTY: Renethal, Blood Elf Paladin

Joined:Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:52 am
Location:Atlanta, GA

Re: Forumed organization

Post by kageneko » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:49 am

I'd like an addon, whereupon you could mouseover a recipe (or craftable) and it would tell who in the guild could make it.
TEAM CLERIC: Allern, Dranei Paladin; Lothlondor, Night Elf Druid; Lelian, Human Mage; Lesasia, Human Death Knight; Lagervolk, Dwarf Hunter; Sylerissar, Night Elf Rogue; Langston, Worgen Warrior; Leanora, Gnome Priest
WE SPLIT THE PARTY: Renethal, Blood Elf Paladin

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