Ghostrcrawler's password

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Ghostrcrawler's password

Post by lessem » Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:46 pm

Alaari got an in game mail to visit to sign up for something. Not wanting to use her real account, I put in and she correctly guessed his password to be "p0wn1es!" That worked, and then we only had to enter an e-mail address and elementary school (, Gnomergan k-5), to get free mounts!.

She also discovered that Ghostcrawler was a grad student in marine biology at UT Austin when I was an undergrad there. The closest I got to marine biology was the zoology department, so I'm just going to assume he was the weird zoology TA I had who never wore shoes.

Joined:Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:57 pm

Re: Ghostrcrawler's password

Post by mihrimah » Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:48 pm

Of course he didn't wear shoes, he's a crab.

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