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Emm's Application

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:59 am
by Emm
Hello all! My name is Emm ( Emmana in Velen) and I was interested in joining your guild.... K told me about you guys...... you all should know her she has several toons on Velen, told me all about you guys and I would love to be apart of your team! I also have another priest on another server named Bigemm, on the server Auchindoun. I paly him form time to time, but I ry to play a lot more on Emmana, on Velen.

I have been all the way up to 10 man General Vizax.. I've done ALL raid bosses before him, and all 10/25 Naxx, OS, Maly, all that good stuff on 10 and 25 and in Ulduar, up to Aryiah the cat lady ( before the keepers) on 25.

I've been playing wow for 2 years, ish... I started playing when I was deployed. My girlfriend also plays so it's not like I neglect her or anything. I live on the Eastern side of the USA, and I work night shift at a security station. At night, form 6pm to 6am Sunday to tuesday and Wednesday 6pm to midnight. I'm off the rest of the week.

This coming 2 weeks though, I have my anual training with the army ( I been in the army 5 years.. E-5 SGT Type :D ) I'll be gone from the 12th - 28th of June... and while im gone i should be able to pop back in from time to time! Maybe do some heroics, clear some naxx, that kidna thing.

But all in all, I'd love to be apart of your guild, and I would heal/dps anything you ask me! I'm not a complainer, im a team player!

Re: Emm's Application

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:47 pm
by kageneko
Nothing much to add except respect for NCOs :D

Re: Emm's Application

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:06 pm
by Kiersten
So this is my buddy, he knows the game, he isn't a pain and needs a home in Velen before he leaves the server :(

He hasn't been happy with the server, but that's 'cause he really hasn't met any of you guys yet.

Re: Emm's Application

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:15 pm
by Emm ... n&n=Bigemm This is Bigemm of Auchindoun ... n&n=Emmana This is Emmana of Velen

I have alts and things bout im sure youo dont want me to link like...

Re: Emm's Application

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:06 am
by IsawaBrian
Come on Velen any time; whisper someone and ask to get an officer to invite you. :)