Teh uber twink!

Theory and discussion on how to abuse the system behind the game for the best results.
Remember, there is no badwrong fun.


Joined:Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:14 pm
Teh uber twink!

Post by LineNoise » Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:12 am

So, like a month ago, I said I would post up something about twinking the crap out of a level 1 alt for the sake of absurdly fast levelling. This is that post. I knew I'd get around to it eventually.

For Casters:
Skinning Knife, enchanted with +30 Spellpower. The Skinning Knife is because any class can equip it, and if you go double-gathering for cash (highly recommended) it saves you a bag slot. You will not replace this knife until Outlands, as a DPS caster. Unless you want to spend a bunch *more* money and buy Staff of Jordan with +40 Spellpower. There's *one* weapon before Outlands that has more than 30 spellpower, and it's a rare drop from summoned mobs in Silithus. Stats are nice, but spellpower is *everything* for levelling faster. More DPS, more DPM. Fewer hits to get the kill, less downtime.

Mystic Spellthread on any random pants. I use Tuxedo Pants, because it's cooler that way, but any random cloth that doesn't bind and doesn't require a level greater than 5. These will last until about level 30-ish if you're running instances for drops, level 40-ish if you're just buying greens.

For Melee types:
Minor Haste on any random gloves. Because of the way that ratings scale at very low levels, this is *26%* ranged and melee haste at level 10 or lower. Even at 19, it's still like 5% haste. At higher levels, you're going to want +15 Agility if you want to keep twinking. Or, a much cheaper +5 str or agi. Or just skip it, since +stat enchants are less amazing.

Arcanum of Rapidity on Blood Elf Bandit Mask or Noble's Monocle. This is only if you're really rich, pretty much. I haven't bothered. It's *expensive*, it takes a lot of work to get done (have to go inside Dire Maul to get the Arcanum made) and it goes out of style too quickly once you get helms with stats. Same math as the gloves. You can also put Lesser Arcanum of Constitution on the same hats, for slightly cheaper/less annoying benefit. The Constitution hat can also be used for casters.

Iron Counterweight on a low-level white 2h weapon appropriate for your class. This is really only worth it for about 10 levels at most, because weapon DPS is so much more critical. But they're *really* cheap to make, so you can also conceivably keep re-enchanting new weapons with them. Eventually, Fiery becomes more useful, as the ratings conversion on Haste gets worse and worse, but that's *much* later in the game.

Clefthide Leg Armor again on either some random pants, or the Tuxedo Pants.

For All Types:
Shoes with Minor Speed Enchant. 8% doesn't sound like much, until you think about how enormously much time you spend just *walking* everywhere when you're a lowbie.

Haliscan Jacket or Simple Black Dress. These are ilvl 35+ items with no req level. That means they can take Outland-quality enchants. I recommend +15 Spirit even for melee types, since Spirit is completely OP at lower levels. It adds to Health Regen out of combat, as well as Mana Regen. You'd be amazed at the difference in downtime. +6 All Stats is also a compelling option, if you're a non-mana-user.

Random white bracers. +9 Spirit, +9 Strength as options, same reasoning as on the chest-piece.

Beyond this point, you're looking at AH greens, crafting professions, instance runs, etc. The normal loot methods. Some of these enchants are cheap enough to be worth re-doing. Some of them aren't. In a handful of cases (most notably the caster-knife and enchanted-pants), the enchants themselves are substantially better than the gear, for an impressive period of time.

edited to add: all item and enchant names are clickable WoWhead links. They don't show up well on mine, for some reason.

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