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Help/idea request

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:58 pm
by Khemical
I had a made a "I'm still alive" post but that just didn't cover it, so I'm starting over.

Due to my financial/medical situation I'm currently seeking alternative forms of income. My current idea is a to do the whole "Choose My Adventure" blog. I would play an MMO according to the whims of my readers. I know that has a guy who does this already, but I still think the idea has merit.

I know this is akin to internet panhandling or busking, but right now, I'll take what I can get. At least I'd be providing some form of entertainment.

Now, why am I doing this? Well, I have severe sleep apnea, which means I snore, loudly. Not only does it keep my girlfriend up at night, but it's become a health risk. Sleep deprivation, hypertension, heartburn, arrhythmia, diabetes.... these are just some of the things I'm looking at if I don't get this fixed.

I went for a sleep study a few months ago and now I'm looking at the bills, plus the oncoming costs of treatment, which will probably require surgery. The doctor said with as severe my condition is a lifestyle change (polite way of saying to lose weight) just wouldn't cut it.

I tried the CPAP machine and it works, sort of. I have sinus trouble, always have. Because of the way the machine works, whenever I have clogged sinuses (which is quite often) the machine doesn't work, even with different masks.

So here I am, about to ask for money from the internet at large. I ask of you, my guildies, would you pay someone to play a game your way?

EDIT: Stupid idea. Just losing my mind.

Re: Help/idea request

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:37 pm
by Kiersten
Personally I would not pay for someone to play, I have more than enough time on my hands to switch my game play at will and I actually enjoy spending times online chatting with online friends while I game. I'm sure the idea has merit for those who don't have the patience to game or want to spend hours doing something that they find interesting but lack the time to actually do it. But the reason I game is to relax, can't relax if you are the one doing the gaming ;)

Re: Help/idea request

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:49 pm
by Khemical
In response, well it wouldn't be so much a "watch me game on webcam" thing, but more a blog about the gaming experience. I'd announce what times I'd be playing and people could join me online.

Re: Help/idea request

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:53 pm
by Kiersten
Yeah I understand that, except I play to relax, and watching someone playing doesn't do it for me, reading about someone's adventures, I get that from books, and I get that from TV, I play to play to experience things first hand. I'm sure there has to be a market out there for this, but for me, its not something I would go for.

Re: Help/idea request

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:09 pm
by Raali
Farm gold and sell it to the chinese Gold sellers. You should contact one of them when they post on the game. You would probably make more money doing that then your other method. I know its not WOW approved but if you need to make money you need to do what you need to do.

Take Care
