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Weekly Raid

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:53 pm
by Raali
Hey guys it's hard for me to catch someone online so i figured I would post on here. I wanted to let you know that the 8pm server raids I will not be able to make. I am east coast and it really throws my next day off if I am up till 2am or so. If you plan on moving them back an hour again please give me a heads up and I will join in. I don't mind playing till around 1am.

Thanks for your concideration


Re: Weekly Raid

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 1:01 pm
by kageneko
I'm down with this. If we could reschedule the raids a bit, it would make me much happier. I don't like the idea of not starting ICC until 11pm. I will be very tired and grumpy by the time we hit Putricide.