The WTF is strong with this one . .

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Joined:Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:57 pm
The WTF is strong with this one . .

Post by mihrimah » Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:41 am

I was running Blackfathom Deeps on my baby pally, as the healer. We had a pally tank, a melee hunter, a mage, and a rogue who was either a moron or an ass or a little bit of both. At some point in the tunnel after the first boss, the rogue turned around and ran back the other way. I guess he forgot something.

Then I see he's taking damage, and asking for heals.

"Sorry, dude," I say, "You're way out of range. Try vanishing." He dies. I say, "Stop after this group so I can go back and res the rogue."

The tank says, "Ok," then pulls the next group.

"Okay, stop after *this* group so I can go back and res the rogue."

Then, after killing his current target, the tank says "I'll get it," turns around, and runs back down the tunnel, leaving the mobs that he didn't aggro sufficiently to turn around and whack on me and the mage instead. Then he says, "I can't res, I'm still in combat."

Yes. Perhaps with these mobs that are still here over beating on the healer and mage, while the hunter is just standing around with his finger up his nose or something. I mentioned that. (Well, not the part about the hunter.)

"Hey you guys?" the tank says. "Stop fighting so I can res the rogue."

"Can't do that," says the mage.

"We're trying," I said, "But the naga aren't listening. Perhaps you should come back and talk to them." I put on Righteous Fury, Consecrate, and spam healed myself while the mage killed the mobs and the hunter lay down and took a nap.

Finally the mobs all died, the rogue got ressed, and the hunter came back and thought that we were all really cool. Then the rogue dropped group.

But now I've done the quests, so hopefully I'll never have to go into Blackfathom with a pug group again.

Joined:Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:14 pm

Re: The WTF is strong with this one . .

Post by LineNoise » Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:20 pm

This is why I will never group for low level instances. Much rather just bribe a guildy to smash it, so I don't have to cope with random idiots.

Joined:Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:57 pm

Re: The WTF is strong with this one . .

Post by mihrimah » Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:47 pm

That's really the only problem I've had with the low-level instances. I've had far more problems with the low-Outland ones, mainly due to a high population of completely idiotic DKs who either can't play their class, insist that whatever you're doing they can do better, or are just assholes.

Joined:Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:36 am

Re: The WTF is strong with this one . .

Post by Eabah » Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:04 am

You mean you can't heal something from across the instance? :p

Joined:Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:57 pm

Re: The WTF is strong with this one . .

Post by mihrimah » Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:14 am

It's not whether I can do it, it's whether I can be bothered to try. And the answer, in this case, is probably not. :)

On a related note, I am a complete clueless failnoob and I don't know what I'm doing so I'm obviously a fucktard and a rude-ass loser because I showed up to heal SM graveyard in ret spec. And we know this is true because the rogue, after stealthing all the way into Vishas' room and pulling him while the rest of us were waiting for the tank to come back from AFK, died. Because I'm a failadin healer.

It's clear that if anyone has a 30-ish alt they want to instance with, that you should drop group immediately and wait out the debuff if you see my pally in the group. Because I am SO fail, I won't even save you from yourself.

Joined:Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:36 am

Re: The WTF is strong with this one . .

Post by Eabah » Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:16 am

How do you FIND these winnars?

Did anyone else both to explain that the rogue who fails at stealth and fails to vanish is supposed to bite it nobly to spare the rest of the group? :p

Joined:Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:57 pm

Re: The WTF is strong with this one . .

Post by mihrimah » Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:15 am

I don't find them. Blizz finds them for me.

Blizz hates RDF users!

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