Fun with mods! (Crafty Gnome)

Events and chat relating to guild specific things. Schedule events, let us know what you dropped in the bank or what new patterns you'd love to craft for us if we find mats.


Joined:Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:14 pm
Fun with mods! (Crafty Gnome)

Post by LineNoise » Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:29 am

Some of you have probably encountered GemList, if you ever watch trade channel. "Whisper me !gem {color} for more info", etc.

Well, I found a mod that does the same thing for *all* of my trades. And, as I have just discovered, it even works when I'm on the "wrong" character.

So, if you need any crafting done, and I'm on any of my alts, just give me a holler. I have the following tradeskills (with sample queries):

!gem red agility
!enchant boots stamina
!cooking mana
!alchemy healing
!tailoring resistance

I'm *really* liking this mod.

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