Stopping for ready checks is so old fashioned...

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Joined:Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:52 am
Location:Atlanta, GA
Stopping for ready checks is so old fashioned...

Post by kageneko » Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:47 pm

So I get into this OS25 pug. Originally I'm Lesasia, but we need a tank, so I switch to Allern. Sull is in the group, so it's all good (but so is Kaldor...). Then the other tank disconnects and we've got to find another. We get one (any tank named 'Defensive' can only be awesome).

Then pulling starts. And it DOES NOT STOP.

He chain pulls EVERYTHING. Including the bosses. And there is no stopping for rezzes, since they can just run back into the instance (and also, void zone fails). It's all slaughter-slaughter-slaughter, maim-maim-main until we get to Shadron. The duo pat is on the other side of him, so the other tank decides to grab them -- and the rest of the raid follows.

So I get time for perhaps two hits on my target when Shadron aggros. I grab him (so I'm tanking my elite AND Shadron). It was all good, though, and no one died.

For Sarth, the tank just waits until everyone is on the island and topped up and then grabs him. It was a very very short fight and I'm sad we didn't do Sarth+1 for him :( No loots for me, but the staff that Lhynne wants did drop again :) I think it went to a warlock.
TEAM CLERIC: Allern, Dranei Paladin; Lothlondor, Night Elf Druid; Lelian, Human Mage; Lesasia, Human Death Knight; Lagervolk, Dwarf Hunter; Sylerissar, Night Elf Rogue; Langston, Worgen Warrior; Leanora, Gnome Priest
WE SPLIT THE PARTY: Renethal, Blood Elf Paladin

Joined:Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:45 am

Re: Stopping for ready checks is so old fashioned...

Post by Iceworm » Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:01 am

Yeah come on, pausing is for noobs!
but the staff that Lhynne wants did drop again
Awwww man that just hurts.

Nearly as bad as the new people I keep seeing in Dalaran riding Zulian Tigers... just ow.

I am going to bust my butt to get an OS25 this Saturday, maybe I'll get lucky!

Joined:Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:14 pm

Re: Stopping for ready checks is so old fashioned...

Post by LineNoise » Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:23 am

Defensive, aka Supertank, is actually on our Blacklist. He, along with Jamiecormier, were the ones that set up that disastrous Sarth raid that ended up with pulling the entire instance and saving about 20 people to a broken instance involuntarily.

So he's generally an asshole.

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