WoW and my DSL hate each other.

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Joined:Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:33 pm
WoW and my DSL hate each other.

Post by Rauk » Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:54 pm

Yep, tried getting into WoW some more this weekend, but I get immedietly booted from WoW's server, and not only that, it totally crashes my internet. I have to reboot modem and PC both to be able to do any non-WoW net activities.

My ISP is AT&T which means shitty customer service, but I'm going to call them Monday to find out if there is anything they can fix. Another friend of mine said she thought she remembered a WoW blue post about an unresolved but known problem with WoW and some DSL services, but I haven't found it, and she can't remember it.

Grats on the Naxx farm run Friday, and hopefully I'll be able to log in again sometime soon.

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