Still no can has brainz.

Events and chat relating to guild specific things. Schedule events, let us know what you dropped in the bank or what new patterns you'd love to craft for us if we find mats.


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Joined:Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:14 pm
Still no can has brainz.

Post by LineNoise » Thu May 14, 2009 8:23 pm

I haven't posted up a schedule for raids this week. This is because school ate my brains. I haven't been playing CoH *or* WoW this week, really.

I've been really kinda random about who I've been talking to about stuff, because I'm a little gun shy about talking about planning stuff. Long ass story. But this thing is really actually happening, so I kinda have to talk about it a little bit, so people know why I'm less-available and stuff. I had my first class this morning at The Art Institute of California, for an Associate of Science in Culinary Arts. So, yeah. I R going to be a chef!

I'm still vaguely burned out on WoW, and also brain fried with all the details of trying to get this school thing off the ground. So I won't be raiding this week. Alas!

I have a thread that I've been meaning to post about the broader scope of raiding, schedules, progression, etc. I still intend to post that, possibly this weekend, to try to start up a dialog. But for today and tomorrow, I plead brains, and go fall down.

Joined:Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:36 am

Re: Still no can has brainz.

Post by Eabah » Thu May 14, 2009 11:58 pm

This is awesome. I whole approve of chefery.

I believe we can still raid, so long as we have an Allern or a Herai. Or I could be Z and we could pug a second tank, technically her gear is Naxx ready all the way through now, but...

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Re: Still no can has brainz.

Post by kageneko » Fri May 15, 2009 3:05 pm

I wish I could go to culinary school :(
TEAM CLERIC: Allern, Dranei Paladin; Lothlondor, Night Elf Druid; Lelian, Human Mage; Lesasia, Human Death Knight; Lagervolk, Dwarf Hunter; Sylerissar, Night Elf Rogue; Langston, Worgen Warrior; Leanora, Gnome Priest
WE SPLIT THE PARTY: Renethal, Blood Elf Paladin

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Re: Still no can has brainz.

Post by Haet » Fri May 15, 2009 4:02 pm

Unfortunately, I've assimilated back to City Of Heroes combat, and have thus lost my WOW tanking instincts. I keep pressing the auto-attack button, my timing is WAY off, and I don't think I could tank or even really off-tank that well anymore.

Plus, I'm just not feeling WOW much anymore. There's nothing to DO except raid the same old shit every weekend. I don't feel like doing dailies, I'm not going to waste my time grinding rep, I don't have much money to play the market, and I'm not having fun standing around Dalaran advertising smithing.

At least with COH, I've got unlimited content with the Mission Architect, plus the promise of the new boxed expansion (first since 2006!), Going Rogue. I even wrote a mission architect arc based on what little we know of the story of Going Rogue, and it's gotten rave reviews!
80+ Who's who of Sam: Haet: Smells of Wet Dog; Herai: Itty Bitty Killin' Committee; Alisseah: Portal Jockey/Walking Asplosion; Marindeya (pretend this is white): Serial Scribe, EXTREEM FLOWERPICKER; Keight: Emo Summoner with an AWESOME name.

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Re: Still no can has brainz.

Post by Eabah » Fri May 15, 2009 6:10 pm

It sounded last week like a lot of people were in the mood for Old World raiding, so I'm thinking, this week, maybe go with that for anyone that shows up. I'll tank if Z's the only tank, but otherwise I'm taking E for the achievements. Plus she can pretty much tank L60 content anyhow.

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Re: Still no can has brainz.

Post by LineNoise » Fri May 15, 2009 9:14 pm

Like I said last week, if we're going Old World, then I'm definately down for it. Because it's actually something new. But that got rather emphatically shot down last week. *shrug*

So far, culinary school is a lot like regular school, only with funny clothes. I don't actually start any of the *culinary* courses until next quarter. All I've got for the next six weeks is Sanitation & Safety, and Nutrition Science.

Joined:Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:57 pm

Re: Still no can has brainz.

Post by mihrimah » Tue May 19, 2009 2:12 am

Culinary school was a blast. The chefing-for-pay wasn't quite so fun, but I'm still glad I went. I did learn a lot, even if I don't use it much anymore. (I guess technically I do use it, but it's mostly in telling Onn what to do. :)


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Re: Still no can has brainz.

Post by lessem » Wed May 20, 2009 1:35 am

mihrimah wrote:Culinary school was a blast. The chefing-for-pay wasn't quite so fun, but I'm still glad I went. I did learn a lot, even if I don't use it much anymore. (I guess technically I do use it, but it's mostly in telling Onn what to do. :)

These have been the best cooking tool I've bought in years. It makes working in the kitchen much more pleasant.

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