Hiatus due to sick

Events and chat relating to guild specific things. Schedule events, let us know what you dropped in the bank or what new patterns you'd love to craft for us if we find mats.


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Joined:Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:33 pm
Hiatus due to sick

Post by Rauk » Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:19 am

Myed and a few others know already, but I'm basically on a break from WoW due to being way too sick to want to interact with fellow humans or do anything more complicated than play Sims or websurf. Seeing doctor tomorrow hopefully as I've been sick like this since just a day or two after Christmas. I rather undoubtedly won't be caught up to raid by this weekend, since I'll need help from guild running dungeons to gear whenever I do feel something less like a zombie whose throat and ears caught fire somehow.

Joined:Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:33 pm

Update: Hiatus now due to broke.

Post by Rauk » Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:53 pm

So I forgot to budget in that I've gotta start repaying student loans this month, and had to cancel account real fast before it charged me for month. Since I'm still kinda in hermit mode even though not so sick, and trying to catch up on other projects for art studio and things, and soon have to get cracking on taxes, probably just as well. *sigh*

I'll be back when I can afford it and am bitten by WoWbug again.

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